

英 [flaɪ]
美 [flai]


  • vi.


  • vt.& vi.


  • vt.


  • n.


  • 变形



    1. vi. 飞,飞行 move through the air as a bird does, or in an aircraft
    2. vi. & vt. 乘飞机飞越; 乘…的飞机 travel over in an aircraft
    3. vi. & vt. 驾驶(飞机等); 以飞机运输(货物,乘客) direct or control the flight of (aircraft); transport goods or passengers in aircraft
    4. vi. (时间)过得快; (动作)疾驰; 迅速而过 go or move quickly; rush along; pass quickly
    5. vi. (旗)飘动 raise (a flag) so that it waves
    6. vt. 使飞,放 raise in the air on the end of a thread, rope, etc.
    7. vt. 逃离; 逃出 flee from
    8. vi. 碎成片 burst or break (in many small pieces)
    1. [C]苍蝇 type of insect with two wings, especially the house fly


    fly[ flai ]

    • n.
      • two-winged insects characterized by active flight
      • flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent

        同义词:tent-flyrainflyfly sheettent flap

      • an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of cloth

        同义词:fly front

      • (baseball) a hit that flies up in the air

        同义词:fly ball

      • fisherman's lure consisting of a fishhook decorated to look like an insect
    • v.
      • travel through the air; be airborne

        "Man cannot fly"


      • move quickly or suddenly
      • fly a plane


      • transport by aeroplane

        "We fly flowers from the Caribbean to North America"

      • cause to fly or float

        "fly a kite"

      • be dispersed or disseminated

        "Rumors and accusations are flying"

      • change quickly from one emotional state to another

        "fly into a rage"

      • pass away rapidly


      • travel in an airplane

        "she is flying to Cincinnati tonight"; "Are we driving or flying?"

      • display in the air or cause to float

        "fly a kite"; "All nations fly their flags in front of the U.N."

      • run away quickly

        同义词:fleetake flight

      • travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft

        "Lindbergh was the first to fly the Atlantic"

      • hit a fly
      • decrease rapidly and disappear


    • adj.(British informal) not to be deceived or hoodwinked



    用作动词 (v.)
    • fly a flag升旗
    • fly a flight进行一次飞行
    • fly a kite放风筝
    • fly a mission驾机执行任务
    • fly a pigeon放鸽子
    • fly a plane in safety使飞机安全降落
    • fly passengers运载旅客
    • fly sb's wrath逃避某人的暴怒
    • fly spacecraft驾驶飞船
    • fly supplies空运物资
    • fly the approach of danger逃避危险
    • fly the cage(鸟)从笼子里飞掉了
    • fly the country逃出国境
    • fly the iron beam沿铁路飞行
    • fly the merchandise空运货物
    • fly the Pacific飞越太平洋
    • fly daily每日运送〔飞行〕
    • fly fast(时间)过得快
    • fly home飞回家
    • fly low低飞,潜伏起来,销声匿迹
    • fly right为人正派
    • fly basely卑鄙地逃离
    • fly cheerfully愉快地飞行
    • fly easily容易碎裂
    • fly gracefully(姿势)优美的驾驶
    • fly incontinently不停地飞
    • fly monthly每月运送〔飞行〕
    • fly professionally以驾驶(飞机)为职业
    • fly quarterly每季运送〔飞行〕
    • fly swiftly飞奔,敏捷地驾驶
    • fly yearly每年运送〔飞行〕
    • fly about四处飞翔,飞来飞去
    • fly apart飞散,粉碎
    • fly around四处飞翔,飞来飞去
    • fly away逃跑,消失
    • fly away from离开…飞出去
    • fly away to窜逃到
    • fly back飞回
    • fly in飞进来,(使)降落,(使)坐飞机到达
    • fly off飞散,飞逝,飞离,挥发
    • fly out飞出,乘飞机飞出,突然冲出,突然发怒
    • fly round(轮子)急转
    • fly up向上〔北〕飞,升起,突然发怒
    • fly above在…上空飞行
    • fly across the sky飞过天空
    • fly against the wind逆风飞行
    • fly at在…(高度)飞行,以…(速度)飞行,扑向,攻击
    • fly before顺风疾驰
    • fly for快去做…,逃命
    • fly from从…飞到…
    • fly in坐…飞
    • fly in the air在空中飞
    • fly into空运,发怒
    • fly on靠…飞行,沿(航线)飞行,向…发脾气〔袭击〕
    • fly over飞越…
    • fly through the air从空中飞过
    • fly to Nanjing飞往南京
    • fly with the wind顺风飞行
    • fly before the enemy临阵脱逃
    • fly down the street沿街跑去
    • fly for a doctor急忙去请医生
    • fly for one's life逃命
    • fly from one's home离家出走
    • fly in the face of公然违抗,侮辱
    • fly in the teeth of公然违抗,侮辱
    • fly into突发
    • fly to arms迅速武装起来
    • fly upon猛烈攻击
    用作名词 (n.)
    • long fly长途飞行
    • short fly短途飞行
    • fruit fly果蝇
    • a cloud of -ies一群苍蝇
    • a plague of -ies蝇灾
    • on the fly在飞行中,匆忙地
    • a fly in amber保存完好的珍贵文物
    • a fly in the ointment美中不足之处
    • a fly on the wall隐蔽的或不引人注意的旁观者
    • a fly on the wheel狂妄自大的人,盲目自负的人


    fly ash粉煤灰;飞灰

    on the fly在飞行中;忙忙碌碌

    fly in降落;乘飞机旅行

    fly away飞走;飞行;起飞

    fly high有雄心大志;情绪高涨;野心勃勃

    fly over飘扬

    fly into v. 突发

    fly off飞出;飞速(或突然)地跑掉

    fly back回扫;快速回零

    let it fly让它飞

    fly in the sky在空中飞行

    fly by飞逝;(一架或几架飞机)在低空飞过指定地点,飞越;宇宙飞船飞近天体

    fly on vt. 向……发脾气

    fly at扑向;猛烈攻击

    fly a kite v. 放风筝;开空头支票;试探舆论

    fly out v. 冲出;突然怒骂(或动武)

    fly up飞起;突然发怒;向上飞

    fruit fly[昆]果蝇

    fly to the moon飞向月亮

    fly kites放风筝



    flee, fly, get away, run away, escape




    get away口语用语。侧重指犯罪分子从现场逃跑或被捕时逃走。

    run away口语用语,强调动作迅速。



    1. The aircraft was flying above thick fog.
    2. How time flies!
    3. She will drive to, but fly back from, London.
    4. Only experienced pilots fly large passenger aircraft.
    5. He was warned to fly from the emperor's wrath.
    6. We could see the enemy fly before our forces.
    7. Each Member shall require all ships that fly its flag to have a copy of this Convention available on board.
    8. Some motorcycle taxi drivers proudly fly the star spangled banner in place of the Ugandan flag which normally adorns their wing-mirror.
    1. Waiter, there's a fly in my soup! That's OK, Sir, there's no extra charge!
    2. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they discuss my future.
    3. The bird caught a bug on the fly.
    4. Peter is nothing but a fly on the wheel.


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